What Do Modern Entrepreneurs Do To Prevent Anxiety?

A study by the National Institute of Mental health reveals that over 7 in 10 entrepreneurs are directly or indirectly affected by mental health issues such as stress, anxiety, and depression. Entrepreneurs make approximately 8% of the global population. They are more likely to suffer from mental health issues compared to other professionals. Burnout and chronic anxiety are some of the most commonly cited complaints. Unfortunately, mental health issues can affect experienced and new entrepreneurs in equal measures. 

Mental health for entrepreneurs can turn into a serious issue that affects day-to-day performance and their relationships, wealth, and lives. When you start your own business, you have a duty of care to your employees and your family. Ultimately, people rely on you, which means that anxiety problems will have lasting consequences beyond the affected individual. What is in your power to protect your mental health? 

They look for medicinal support

It is fair to say that you can’t keep stress at bay as an entrepreneur. Your role is pivotal to the survival of the company. So, there will be many long working days, multitasking, and unexpected challenges as you run a business. Therefore, it can be helpful to look for medicinal boosts, such as cannabis, or a cannabinoid product from somewhere like Area 52, against anxiety or an antidepressant, which you can keep in your bag at all times. For metal health prescribed medication, you want to keep your prescription on hand for quick refills. Medicinal marijuana can be consumed as edible or even smoked and kept in a secure doob tube. Some entrepreneurs also use aromatherapy to induce calmness and relaxation.

They create meaningful networks

Every employer knows that employees are quick to lose their enthusiasm when they have a bad day. But helping them by offering open communication channels and a friendly presence can go a long way. Unfortunately, as an entrepreneur, there is nobody looking out for you. Yet, you can apply the same principles, such as finding supportive communication channels with other entrepreneurs. Sharing your struggles with someone who understands what you are going through can be a game-changer. 

They find a mentor

Friends and family can support you emotionally. But they can’t provide the calm guidance of a business mentor. For a new entrepreneur, a business mentor is a seasoned entrepreneur, someone who has already faced and conquered the challenges you’re facing now. Most mentors are happy to share their wisdom for free, reaching out via unique organizations such as SCORE or social networks. A long-term and trusted relationship with a mentor will not only offer business advice but also prevent emotional distress, as they know how to avoid damaging issues. 

They find a partner

A partner could be another amateur entrepreneur. Yet, what they don’t have in business experience, they might have in complementary skills and personality. A partner is like a soundboard that ensures you don’t take harmful decisions or get overwhelmed by business duties. Together, you can learn how to run a successful business while supporting each other in the eye of the storm. 

Burnout, depression, anxiety disorders are frequent occurrences for entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, if you want to build a successful business, you need to make your well-being a priority without sacrificing company duties. Surrounding yourself with experts who understand your pain and provide support can make a great deal of difference. You also want to focus on your mental health, tackling anxiety and isolation before they get to you. 

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