Industries That Rely On Barcodes

Industries That Rely On Barcodes

Industries That Rely On Barcodes

A technology that has remained useful since the 1970s, there are many industries that rely on barcodes. By tracking its application across multiple areas, we can gain a better appreciation for this simple yet endlessly useful tool.


In order to receive much of their grant money, schools need to show they are capable of keeping track of fixed assets, such as tablets, laboratory equipment, and textbooks. For many schools, the stakes are simply too high to allow a hand count to trace every necessary piece of equipment. To make sure they stay on top of their things and maintain their grant money, many schools have instituted a barcode system that ensures every item is accounted for.


In the healthcare industry, barcodes play a prominent role in patient safety and organization. By giving every patient a wristband barcode, healthcare professionals can scan it to find out information about the individual and their treatment. With this system, there is far less room for human error, as nurses, doctors, and other professionals do not need to rely on notes and files to sort out the medications each person needs. Ideally, with barcodes and the right bar code scanners, everyone gets the right treatment at the right time.

Government Organizations

Government organizations like police departments, fire departments, and the military purchase many tools and assets using the public’s money. They owe it to the people to keep track of those investments using the best technology available. In many cases, barcodes are used to account for checked-out pieces of equipment. Tracking systems save money for the taxpayers, who do not have to foot the bill so often if fewer essential tools get lost or stolen.

Big-Box Retailers

Another major industry that relies on barcodes, big-box retailers use the technology to help them track sales and then, in turn, make intelligent business decisions based on their tracking. Because of barcodes, Wal-Mart and other massive big-box retailers know which products are being sold at what times. Based on that information, they can determine the products that deserve their investment, how to organize their store, and how to adjust their pricing.

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