4 Ways to Reduce Workplace Stress For Everyone

Everyone experiences stress at some point or another, and with expectations for success higher than ever, few places undergo more stress than the office. Stress overload can severely hinder productivity and disrupt employees so that they feel they can’t do anything, no matter how capable they are. This is why it’s vital to reduce stress however you can, and here are four ways to manage this. 

Encourage Wellness in the Office 

The expectation that an employee should be at their desk from nine until five every day has dissolved. Now, quality managers understand that the office is not school, and employees should have the chance to move around when they need to. This is a cornerstone of office wellness, but you can also encourage them to get out of the office to work out if they need to. Their preferred workout could be a trip to the gym, a run around the grounds, or a quick yoga session. The average person cannot work for eight hours straight, so let them make the most of their downtime. 

Embrace Available Services 

One significant factor that causes workplace stress is that one department will try to do too much. This can save you money, but it also means productivity will plummet, as your employees are too put-upon to fulfill their duties to a high standard. Identifying available services such as bookkeeping or digital marketing, can offset their duties and give them enough time in the day to do what they were hired to do, rather than pick up the slack of other areas. 

Understand the Future of the Office 

Every manager wants to cultivate an office that’s an engaging place to be. But, the nature of the office is changing. Much like companies have shifted from the depressing cubicle approach, you should think about how you can make your office ready for the future of work. This doesn’t necessarily mean installing automation technology that makes employees’ lives easier (although it will help), but rather foster trends that make your employees comfortable. Flexible working hours, reduced meetings that usually disrupt their productivity, and a less corporate approach are all options to consider. 

Recognize Achievements 

Employee stress can increase if they believe they are trying their hardest without any recognition. A failure to recognize achievements is the sign of a bad manager, and nobody wants to be a bad manager. You can consider low-cost ways to recognize employees if you are a small business still finding its feet, whereas larger corporations have no excuse not to reward employees with something they have earned. If your employees know they will be recognized for their hard work and achievements, they will also put more effort into their projects, and this benefits your business and the client just as much as recognition benefits them. 


No office will ever be entirely stress-free. If it is, then someone is doing something wrong. However, you can still find ways to reduce and manage stress within the workplace, and achieving this will help you reap the benefits. 

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