Offer Your Staff These Perks To Make Them Happier!

Have you ever considered offering more to the people who are working for you? When you hire other people, you are telling them that they can trust you with their livelihood, their day-to-day health, and well being, their career security. They come to work for you every single day, taking hours out to commute, to work, and to be a part of your organization in a way that will help you to grow and profit.

You want to make sure that your employees have everything that they need to remain happy, solvent, and productive individuals who are able to grow their own careers within your business. 

You would take the time to look after the people working for you, but you need to go above and beyond the way that other people do things. As an employer, you should want to provide your employees with everything that they need to be successful. You would speak to the experts at Outerspace design to ensure that your business looks great and functions well, but what about the people working within it? When you offer better perks, you will raise their perception of working for your business, and we've got some of the most unique perks around that will help you to really appeal to the people working for you.

Food & Drink

If you want to set yourself apart from most employers, you need to think about offering healthy meals and drinks. One of the best perks out there is either setting up a canteen or adding a food delivery service to the office for people to have a healthy meal every day. If you can't budget for every single day, maybe offer a free meal every Friday. You can give back to your employees and they will appreciate the effort you make. If you have employees on the road, provide food vouchers to them so that they don't have to take it from their own salary.

Duvet Days

Sometimes, you can wake up and just want to roll over and go to sleep. Your mind just isn't in the mood to be at work - well, your employees feel the same. Instead of berating them for that which makes them human, start giving back a little bit. You can offer your staff an additional 3-5 days of paid leave per year where they can choose to have a day for their mental health. This is a huge perk that employees will appreciate, and it helps them to remain loyal to you as well.

A Comfortable Workspace

We've talked about the design of the office being functional and helping people to be more productive, but you should consider the desks, chairs, the break room, having a gym on-site - it all matters to your staff, which means it should matter to you. A comfortable workspace is going to keep your employees happy and motivated, and this is the best way to ensure that you do that for them.

Remote Work

Most people are probably sick of working remotely given this past year, but that's not the point. The point is that your staff should have the choice. If you have people who prefer the working from home environment, then allow them the choice to do that. If you know that you have staff who prefer to be remote while they work, you will be able to offer that option to them. This also works well for staff who can't actually make it to work because of their kids or their family; they have options, too!

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