How To Reduce Occupational Burnout With Exercise

Occupational burnout has been one of the growing concerns in the workforce for some time now. It is estimated that over $300 billion in profits is lost globally. When employees cannot perform to the best of their ability due to lack of energy or feeling overworked, it affects the organization's fortunes. Studies have confirmed that outdoor activities can help reduce occupational burnout in employees. Activities such as swimming and running lessen the emotional and physical toll that burnout exacts on employees. Exercise is a vital aspect of improving the positive well-being of your employees.

What is occupational burnout?

It can be referred to as a state of mental, emotional, and physical distress when employees feel emotionally drained, overwhelmed, or not enthused about work. The continuous build-up of such stress creates self-doubt, saps their energy, and reduces interest in their work. Occupational burnout often transcends the workplace and seeps into all other aspects of your life, be it social or family. Burnout can manifest physically and make you prone to falling ill.

Symptoms of occupational burnout

The symptoms of burnout are often subtle in the beginning stages but increase with time. These symptoms may manifest emotionally, physically, and behaviorally. Physical symptoms include sleep problems, feeling exhausted after work, tension, headaches or muscle pain, and a weakened immune system. Emotional symptoms include a lack of motivation, self-doubt, and negative thoughts. Behavioral symptoms include procrastination, sticking to yourself, substance abuse, and lateness.

The importance of exercise

Exercise makes a substantial difference when dealing with occupational burnout. Recent studies have shown that people who exercised outside experienced feelings of better revitalization and increased energy.


This is one of the few physical activities that make use of the entire body. The feel of cold water over your body brings some relief and eases tensed muscles. A good swim can help you relax and take your mind off things. Rubber surfacing for pool decks has been encouraged lately to provide better safety for swimmers as it prevents slips. Before going for a swim, be sure to follow all swimming safety protocols.


This is a relatively easy exercise that does not require any special training. The rush of the wind against your face can be exhilarating, and it is an excellent workout. After slumping at a desk all day, it will feel good to use other muscles that were dormant during the day.

The consensus is that there are essential benefits of exercising outdoors, and it brings the body and mind to a state of calm. Other studies indicate a positive correlation between exercise and a reduction of psychological stress. It is known to decrease tension, anger, depression, and confusion and is noted to be easier to commit to in the long-term than exercising indoors.

With occupational burnout becoming more profound, you must be able to observe and recognize the early signs. Early detection will enable you to handle the situation appropriately by identifying and eliminating stressors. Once stressors are dealt with, your mental, behavioral and physical health will not be affected, and you can focus on your work and increase your productivity at the workplace.

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