Why You Should Consider A Role In Real Estate

The photo was taken by Paul Brennan from Pixabay

The photo was taken by Paul Brennan from Pixabay

If you are looking to switch careers or you want to follow a passion for property, the world of real estate has a lot to offer. Being a real estate agent gives you the chance to specialize, to become an expert in your field, and to earn lucrative amounts of money. Working with a basic salary alongside limitless commission, you could enjoy a superior quality of life. The Covid-19 pandemic has seen people all over the globe reassess their priorities. Many have chosen to change up what they are doing for eight hours a day, five days a week. Consider the world of real estate to give you an incredible new career.


While many real estate agents choose to settle into the residential market, few take on the unwieldy yet lucrative world of commercial investments. You could have a career finding bona fide investors for new construction projects. You might even want to link up with a property attorney like Jacob Kupp who can give you advice on how to set up your commercial property business. Commercial projects tend to be larger and more costly to get off the ground. This means that your commission rates would be all the more weighty. Complete three or four construction builds a year and you could find your quality of life improving. The buzz of securing investment for a mall, seeing a new hospital be built, or having an integral role in finding the funding for a new office block is addictive.


If you want something a little more mundane yet still lucrative in its potential, consider becoming a residential real estate agent. You can choose to specialize in your locality or region, selling niche properties to the wealthy or great starter homes for the young family. By becoming a specialist, whoever has that sort of home to sell will come to you. By keeping a portfolio of properties and by monitoring how long it takes for you to sell a pad on average, you can enjoy a long list of clients who will want to sell their dwellings with you. Being a real estate agent means getting to know people, finding out what makes them tick, discovering their motivations, and tapping into their money dreams. You need to be a people person, otherwise, you could find real estate a real struggle.

Going It Alone

As a side hustle, you could even purchase your own pad to do up and list in an effort to sell at a profit. By being a real estate agent in the first place, you will know the most sought after areas, the property market fluctuations, and the sorts of buyers who could be interested in your pad. This makes flipping a property much easier and could see you selling quicker, releasing equity for you to reinvest or pocket. Make sure that you have the time to do this as a side hustle otherwise you may find that the quality of your real estate business may suffer. Stay positive, learn lots, and become a great real estate agent.

Follow this guide and consider the joys of real estate when figuring out your next career move.

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