Why Earn a DNP?

If you’re considering becoming a nurse or you already are one but want to further your career, Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) is one of the highest positions you can hold. Earning this type of degree might seem like a lot of effort and extra time, but there are many benefits to consider. 

So, why should you earn a DNP? 

First, it can provide you with leadership opportunities that weren’t there before. You can serve as a Chief Nursing Officer, become a director of patient services, or even evaluate research to apply best practices. 

Of course, with higher positions comes a higher salary. Most DNPs make over $100,000 per year, compared to the median salary of an RN at just over $73,000. 

As a DNP, you can also enjoy more job security, because there are fewer nurses with that degree. So, you’ll be in higher demand no matter where you choose to work. 

Finally, it’s important to take a look at the future when it comes to earning a DNP. The National Organization of Nurse Practitioners Faculties is encouraging all Nurse Practitioners to hold a DNP by 2025. So, now is the time to jump on board and earn your degree, keeping yourself in high demand before thousands of others start to compete with you. 

Between more leadership opportunities, a higher salary, and the ability to connect more directly with patients in need, becoming a DNP has plenty of advantages that will make going back to school for the degree beyond worth it. At Marymount University, you can earn your DNP with a value-based education dedicated to serving others. 

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