Five Technologies That Can Help Your Business Grow

The photo was taken by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

The photo was taken by Michael Schwarzenberger from Pixabay

Businesses and companies run very differently today, than they did a decade or so ago. This is primarily because of the use of advanced technology and of course, the Internet, both of which have not only automated and streamlined so many aspects of a business, but also made things simpler and much quicker. 

So much so that now so many people are even running their own ‘online businesses’, where their entire business is on the world wine web and can be accessed by anyone from anywhere in the world. There is no physical ‘office’ or ‘shop’ - everything is managed via the Internet through technology. 

This article looks at five different kinds of technologies that can help various kinds of businesses grow.

Server Virtualization

There are plenty of advantages of server virtualization, so incorporating it into your business model will only benefit your business’s growth. For the uninitiated, server virtualization means having a single server that acts independently and runs different programs and operating systems. Businesses save money and time when using a virtualized server as well as have better security. 

Virus Protection Software/ Cyber Security

This is a biggie and a must for all businesses that use the Internet (and who doesn’t, these days?). Hackers are on top of their game and despite being alert and careful, company profiles and servers have been hacked into (yes, even some of the biggest names with hi-tech cyber security). So make sure you invest in top class virus protection software and cyber security systems as it will prevent your company’s hard work from going down the drain.

Use Of Mobile Technology

The use of mobile technology helps in time management and increases efficiency and employee satisfaction and thus leads to overall business growth. The implementation of various mobile technologies has changed the concept of the traditional office environment, allowing employees to work from home (or even another part of the world) without any hassle or disruption to their productivity. The concept of working virtually has gained even more importance since the Covid19 pandemic and resultant global lockdowns. 

Storage On The Cloud

The ‘cloud’ has revolutionized the aspect of data and material storage for so many businesses. Gone are the days of having to store physical copies or large computer files that took up so much space on the system and slowed everything down. 

Now, unlimited amounts of date can be easily stored (and accessed) on an online cloud storage account and can be shared with and accessed by anyone in the world easily. 

Automate And Schedule

Social media is now an essential (and major) part of every business, more so online businesses, especially if one is in the creative field. But successfully managing multiple social media accounts and being socially active and present 24/7 is extremely time-consuming. One option is to outsource your business’s social media presence to a social media management company; but if you prefer to do things yourself make sure you use automation and scheduling apps such as Hootsuite and Tailwind that help you plan and schedule your posts. 

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