Here are Some of the Top Reasons why your Website Sucks

Photo by Format from Pexels

Photo by Format from Pexels

If you have a site then you will know how important it is for you to keep it maintained. If you don’t then you may find that you end up compromising your overall message and that you end up failing on the SERPs. If you want to stop this from happening then you’re in luck because a few simple steps are all you need to take in order to guarantee success.

Your Content is Poor

Imagine going on a website and then seeing absolutely nothing there. It may be that you see a picture or two and a few words but at the end of the day, if there is no value then your customers won’t be staying around very long. If you want to make sure that this isn’t the case, then you have to make sure that you are letting your visitors know what you do and you also need to include descriptions and pictures of the products or services you have to offer. Reviews or even testimonials will boost your site even more here, so make sure that you keep that in mind as much as possible.

Your Site Loads Up Slowly

People are usually very impatient. Even if your content is gripping and your site is great, your visitors are not going to sit around while it loads. 40% of people give up and click off a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to fully load up. This can be a huge loss for your site. For every additional 1 second, your site takes to load, you may find that your conversion rate drops by 7%. This is the last thing that you want, so take the time to make sure that your site is quick and easy to use, for the sake of your customers.

You Don’t have a Clear Level of Organisation

People visit your site because they want to gain information about your company or even your products. Don’t make it difficult for them to find what they need. You have to make sure that you have a search box that is nice and easy to find and you also need to have clearly defined headings too. You should always let your visitor know what kind of content they should expect to see in absolutely every section. This is very beneficial from an SEO standpoint. If you want to take things to that next level with your SEO, then explore the idea of Core Web Vitals.

Your Content is Buried

One good thing about the internet is that it can be a very anonymous place. This can also translate to being bad though. If your customers are not familiar with your company then they need some degree of familiarity. They need to feel confident that when they place an order with you, they are going to get what they expect. Something simple will work in your favor here, such as by having your contact information in the right place or even trying to have various trust signals working in your favor. Either way, it’s important to make sure that your contact information is super easy to find because if it isn’t then this can really work against you.


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