How Can Financial Advisors Evolve Post-Covid-19

Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels

Photo by Alexander Mils from Pexels

If you run a financial advice company, learning how to adapt to different situations will be one of the most important parts of running your business successfully. After all, different clients have vastly different circumstances and needs, and financial planning is not a one-size-fits-all solution. However, with the world changing so drastically in the space of just a few months, it’s no surprise that many financial advisors are finding it difficult to keep up with the new demands being placed upon them. Businesses that once were booming are now struggling, and vice versa, the market feels more unstable than ever, and predicting the future has become more than just impossible - it is downright dangerous. So how can financial advisors evolve to help their clients navigate this new and changing world?

Listen and React

There has never been an easy solution to financial concerns, and this is even more true now. Many clients will be dealing with unique situations brought on as a result of the pandemic, and simply regurgitating the same advice you would have given last year may not work anymore. It’s important to genuinely listen to the individual cases of each client, and work with them to find a new solution. Developing this skill will improve your business, and provide much more satisfying outcomes for both you and your clients.

Use Software

Sometimes, though we don’t like to admit it, computers can have an edge on people. If you don’t use one already, investing in an online financial planning tool can seriously help you to engage your clients and give them meaningful, clear routes to success. Using impressive algorithms and calculations to adapt a plan based on circumstances, these tools are an invaluable way to streamline your process, freeing up your energies to support your clients through their planning in this difficult time.

Keep Up to Date

One of the key consequences of recent events has been simply that legislation is constantly changing. If it was difficult to keep up beforehand, it most certainly is now. However, as a financial advisor, it is your duty to ensure you are completely up to date with all new government advice and legislation, so you can keep your clients informed and compliant. Sign up to newsletters, listen to the news, and keep checking the relevant sites for updated information. Failure to do this could be catastrophic, but if you can stay on top of it all, you will be making yourself into an invaluable resource for those you work with.


Now is a time when communication is key. Make sure to check in with all your clients and get an updated picture from them about where they are and how they are doing. Sometimes, a personal touch can be really appreciated, and your clients will be glad to know you are thinking of them. Some of them might have undergone massive changes, and it’s important you know about these as soon as possible so you can evolve your own practice in response, and offer the best advice you can.

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