Do You Understand Your Rights In The Workplace?

Image by jessica45 from Pixabay 

Image by jessica45 from Pixabay 

Everybody has certain rights as an employee and it’s up to your employer to make sure that you are afforded those rights. In most workplaces, that is not a problem, but there are some employers that will ignore their responsibilities. Unfortunately, a lot of people don’t realize that their rights are being infringed upon because they don’t fully understand what those rights are. That’s why it’s so important that you understand exactly what responsibilities your employer has. These are the most important employee rights that you need to be aware of.

The Right To A Safe Workplace

Everybody knows that health and safety is important in business, but people often don’t realize that they have the right to refuse work if they feel that the workplace is not safe. Don’t feel that you need to continue working if you don’t feel safe because your employer is not legally allowed to force you to work if they are not able to meet health and safety standards. If you are injured as a result of poor health and safety practices, it is important that you take action and seek legal advice from a company that specializes in your particular area of work. For example, if you work in the mining industry and you are injured, you should seek help from knowledgeable mining accident injury lawyers who have experience making claims for people in your situation. It is important that you speak out if you feel that the workplace is unsafe, and you don’t need to worry about repercussions because you have legal protection. 

The right to a safe workplace extends beyond physical health and safety as well. Mental health is important, and employers have a responsibility to manage your workload, so you can avoid burnout. Common signs of burnout include exhaustion, stress and irritability. If you notice any of these signs, speak to your employer about taking some time off or reducing your workload. 

Protection Against Discrimination 

Even though many steps towards equality have been made in recent years, workplace discrimination still happens. Everybody has a right to protection against discrimination based on race, gender, age, disability, and religion. Your employer also has a responsibility to make sure that there is a process in place for reporting discrimination. Many people stay quiet about these issues because they worry that they will be considered a difficult employee, but you have a right to protection against discrimination, so it’s important that you report it. 

The Right To Accommodations Based On Medical Issues 

If you have a medical issue that makes certain workplace tasks difficult, your employer has a responsibility to accommodate you. They are required to make changes to the workplace to ensure that you can do your job safely and comfortably. If they are not meeting their requirements, it is important that you speak with your employer and if they will not make the necessary accommodations, seek legal advice. 

It’s important that you understand your rights as an employee and if you ever feel that your employer is not meeting their responsibilities, you should always say something.

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