Photo by @randycolasbe
When we are in the midst of a pandemic, and people start rioting, burning down buildings and looting, you know the temperature of people in the U.S. is not well.
Where are the leaders?
When people feel their only option is to riot, loot, and destroy, there’s a systemic problem that needs to be addressed.
Where are the leaders?
Misbehavior by police officers is not a new concept. When George Floyd met his untimely death due to the actions of police officers, we have to ask ourselves:
Where are the leaders?
Testosterone is a problem that can overrule one’s ability to think with clarity in a situation. Based on the video we’ve all seen, it appears that testosterone played a factor in this situation.
I have family members that serve in law enforcement. I have friends that have African heritage. My first friend in elementary school was black (or brown, as I commented to him when I was a child, and I wasn’t white, I was peach.)
Where are the leaders?
Several cities are now under a curfew to help prevent additional rioting and looting. Tensions are high and people have been frustrated for a long time about many situations, not limited to a pandemic and police misbehavior.
Where are the leaders?
Strong leadership demonstrates accountability. Weak leadership points fingers. Strong leadership goes to the opposing parties and seeks to understand and truly listens to the concerns of others.
There is a lot of healing to do in America. The negativity in politics ON BOTH SIDES is disgusting. We can do better.
How can the healing begin?
Every police chief with the mayor of every city needs to hold a press conference and say that police brutality and misbehavior will no longer be tolerated, and every police officer needs to undergo real crisis intervention training and learn diffusion techniques to keep their testosterone in check
Every citizen needs to do the same. Learn crisis intervention and diffusion techniques. Looting and stealing and destroying doesn’t fix anything. Yes it brings awareness to these long-standing issues, but you can’t fix a wrong with a wrong.
Our Governmental leaders need to lead, and not be so damned sensational in pointing fingers, less tweeting and more leading, please.
Everyone needs to find the common ground where we all stand.
Seek to understand the points of others, without condemnation and hate.
Quit the herd mentality and develop your own thoughts and beliefs, with love and compassion as the foundation of your being.
If we collectively sought to understand each other’s points of views without all the added angst and noise, situations like we are seeing right now wouldn’t be happening.
Love conquers all. Leadership and Love both start with an L.
Be well.