How To Maximize Your Productivity On A Computer

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

It is the 21st century, so it's no surprise that many organizations around the world have dropped the old way of working which involved typewriters, physical files, and using fax machines to send documents. The use of computers to work is now a necessary requirement across many sectors, especially those who have to work from home

The difference between having a stress free yet productive day and a stressful day with nothing could simply lie in the efficiency of your computer. Let’s take a look at five things that can maximize your productivity while using a computer.

Have a Clean and Organized Desktop

Just like a physical desktop, a cluttered computer desktop can affect productivity. It is important to keep your desktop clutter free, as it can go a long way in improving creativity, productivity, and morale. Take time out to organize your files and pick a motivating wallpaper that incorporates colors or words that get you pumped every time you need to work.

Use a File Sharing Protocol

If you use your computer to work remotely, then you'll most likely have to share or receive files from your team members. It is important to choose a competent file sharer that allows users to efficiently share and receive large volumes of data. They do all this whilst also using minimum Internet bandwidth. This way, data is passed across timely and efficiently. For more information on file-sharing protocols, this article will help;

Download an Antivirus

An antivirus program carries out a wide range of functions. But, for the most part, it ensures your valued data is not corrupted or altogether lost. Some good antiviruses include Geekflare, Norton, and MacAfee, which all offer up a comprehensive definition of an antivirus. More so, they can easily be installed for protection against spyware, rootkits, malware, Trojans, spam and phishing attacks, and other cyber threats. More so, antiviruses also help declutter cached threats, which in turn, speed up your computer.

Use a Time Tracker

Ever wondered why many wise and successful people often emphasize the importance of time management? Well, the answer is simple - time is money. As such, one good way to manage your time is to use a time tracker. These apps go a long way to help you take note of how you use every single second; more so, they equally rid you of distractions and amp your overall productivity.

Have a Reliable Internet Connection

The internet is an important source of data and a means to stay connected with work peers, regardless of their location. Selecting a reliable and secured internet connection enables you to meet up with deadlines, communicate swiftly with peers and clients, keep your data secured and multi-task smoothly without lags or glitches.


As we live in a results-oriented culture, it is only normal to seek out ways to improve efficiency and productivity. When using a computer, productivity can be improved by using the tips suggested above and adapting even the most unlikely and minute changes. For instance increasing your mouse speed, getting reading glasses, or increasing the font of your desktop. 

Just make sure that whatever changes you incorporate, they are efficient, safe, and saves time.

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