4 Reasons Why Your SEO Isn't Performing As You Expected

Source: Pixabay

Source: Pixabay

So you’ve discovered the benefits of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and how it plays an important role in creating web traffic, generating leads, and producing sales, but you’re not being rewarded for your efforts? Here are four reasons why your SEO may not be working as you hoped it would. 

You’re using outdated SEO strategies 

There is a lot of misinformation online about how best to conduct effective SEO and this is largely because SEO has evolved significantly since its conception. If you are trying to conduct effective SEO yourself, then you may be using the wrong tactics, such as overusing keywords or relying on directory listings, which don’t have the same effects as anymore. To ensure that you are using only the very latest SEO techniques, it’s always best to use a professional SEO service whose job it is to stay on top of what works and what doesn’t and to adapt your strategy accordingly. Some of the modern approaches that they may try include, link building with verified sites, keyword optimization, and making sure that your content is compatible with voice search engines like Siri or Alexa. 

You need to improve the quality of your content 

Content is a very important part of your SEO strategy, but not all content is created equal, and using poor quality content can actually detract from your SEO ranking rather than improving it. High-quality content should provide value to the reader leading to organic traffic, and should also be laid out in a way that is reader-friendly, i.e with the right headings and subheadings.

Your website needs to be updated

Your SEO strategy may be trying its hardest to bring you traffic, but if these visitors land on a website that is old, outdated, and difficult to navigate, then they are likely to jump ship and you won’t be seeing any conversions. If your traffic is high, but your website is not achieving its aims, then this is likely the case. Make sure that your website has a fast load time, ideally no longer than 1 second per page, and conduct some usability testing to ensure that it is easy to navigate. You will also want to pay close attention to the content that is on your website, making sure that it is providing value to the reader and is helping to direct them through to the next stage of the customer journey. 

You have unrealistic goals

Last, but not least, if you have already addressed all of the above and are still not seeing the performance that you expected, then you may need to readjust your goals. If your SEO strategy currently includes a combination of goals, such as to increase brand awareness, generate leads, improve the conversion rate of your website, or to create traffic, then you may be trying to do much under one umbrella. Rather than having too many goals, try focusing on one and adjusting your strategy accordingly. If you are still having trouble setting and reaching your goals, then it may be best to speak with an SEO expert who can help you.

So there you have it. Before you throw your SEO strategy in the trash, take a look at the above 4 reasons why it may not be working - do any sound familiar? 

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