Getting the Most Out of Your Business Premises

Source:  Pexels

Source: Pexels

Your business premises is an incredibly important space; the idea that it’s just a place where we get work done is a little outdated. Today, employees are less likely to accept a drab working environment, and when they’re weighing up whether or not to take the job at your company, a pleasant to work in will be something they take into consideration. Improving the office can have many positive knock-on effects, including boosting productivity, better workplace morale, it might even lead to more clients if they come in and are impressed with what they see. But what can you do to improve the space? Here are some ideas. 

Find the right location

The location you choose for your office is important, so when you’re choosing the building itself consider things like the road network and any public transport routes so that your staff or clients can get to you with ease. If you’re a shop or retail company you’ll likely rely to some extent on foot traffic to get customers, so you’ll need to be in a prime location for this probably in a city or town center or on a high street. 

Think about the size

You won't want to buy or rent a huge premises that you don't have full use for since this will cost you more money. But you do still want space to grow, so bear in mind the extra room you’ll need if you plan on expanding operations in the near future. If you’re renting and don’t mind moving to a new premises as you grow then you could just choose a size that’s suitable for you in the here and now. 

Make nice decor a priority

You’ll always want to keep your office decor professional looking, but it should still be pleasant. When you think about traditional old offices, chances are it’s a lot of uninspiring grey that springs to mind and it’s enough to kill the spirit of anyone working for you! Repaint the walls, have new carpets fitted, add lots of plants and try to incorporate the colours blue and green which have been shown to boost productivity in the workplace. The layout of your office space can be vital for the best productivity levels. Put desks close to windows so workers can benefit from the natural light. The lighting is so important since it can prevent eye strain, migraines and even health and safety disasters such as people tripping over in dark corridors. Something like these 220w linear led high bay lights would be good for illuminating larger areas, and they’re low energy too. 

Make it accessible

You have a moral and legal duty to ensure that your workplace is accessible, so be sure that you are meeting all requirements of the disability act. This ensures that anyone with additional needs are able to access your premises, it can include things like wheelchair ramps, elevators and other additions being made especially if the building you’re in is older.

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