A Healthier Workplace in 6 Easy Steps

We spend a huge portion of our lives in the workplace, so if you’re a business owner, it’s your duty to create a healthy workplace and ensure your employees can thrive. Below, we’ll take a look at 6 easy steps you can take to create a healthier workplace. 

Use Encouraging Colors 

The colors you use in the workplace may seem irrelevant, but they can actually have a huge impact on your employee’s productivity levels. For example, there’s a reason the color orange is often used in fitness centres. It promotes enthusiasm and energy. Then there are colors like blue, which can give a sense of productivity, calm, and focus. Of course, you’ll need to consider your color choice carefully based on how you want your team to feel. 

Enable Healthy Food Choices

The foods your team eats will have a big impact on how energetic they are. Enabling them to frequently snack on sugary things could leave them sluggish and unfocused. Think of ways you can encourage healthier choices from your team. You can stock up on water bottles, make sure fresh fruit is available, and provide information to ensure they are equipped to make these smart choices. 

Encourage Regular Movement and Exercise

Usually if an employee exercises before work, they will be energetic and focused for the rest of the day - not to mention the mood boosting properties that a workout can provide! At least 30 minutes of moderate exercise every day can work wonders. You could introduce a cycle to work scheme, for example, or you could provide gym memberships as incentives. Are there any activities you could arrange with your employees, such as team netball games or even football games? 

Purchase Supportive Furniture

We spend hours and hours sitting each day, so the furniture we work with should support us as best as possible. The last thing you want is for your furniture to promote lethargy and cause health issues. By investing in sit/stand desks, you can ensure your team is able to stand and stretch out when they need to. This can help them to stay alert, too. Ergonomic desk chairs are also a good choice. Working with manufacturers that can help you with other healthy office supplies is also a good idea, like high-quality mold releases. Make sure you do all you can to create a healthy and positive environment. 

Use Live Plants

Live plants look great and clear the air. Employee health and productivity will improve over time if you take care of plants and ensure there are plenty. Snake plants and peace lilies are particularly easy to care for if you’re worried about having to buy new plants all the time. 

Improve Air Quality

With COVID-19, the quality of the air we breathe in offices has never been more important. Utilizing systems such as the offerings from Enviro Chill helps the air quality in your workspaces.

Use Good Lighting

Natural light is best for most workers. Using artificial light can cause headaches and mess with circadian rhythms, causing eye strain to boot. Make sure you consider your lighting carefully. 

These simple changes could make a huge difference to your employees. What are you going to change? 

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