3 Threats Your Business May Face (and what to do about them)

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Keeping your business safe, can seem like several full-time jobs sometimes, but in this day and age, there are so many potential threats that is really important that as a business owner, you do whatever you can to protect your company because it only takes one mistake for the everything you’ve built up to be lost to you forever.

Bearing that in mind, here are some of the most common threats to business and what you can do about them:

Bad reviews

Bad reviews are an inevitable part of doing business in the 21st Century. The fact is that no0 matter how good your business is, you can’t please all of the people all of the time, and some of your customers are going to review you in less than stellar terms. If a lot of customers do this, then you could have a problem.

How do you deal with this? First of all, make sure that your business is efficient, effective, and not promising anything it doesn’t deliver. Then, make sure that you train your staff effectively in customer service. Should you still receive bad reviews despite this, don’t get angry or make a show of yourself by responding petulantly. Be an adult, acknowledge the issue, and calmly state your case using fair, accurate, and unemotional language. That way, customers will still get a good impression of your business overall.

If a review is malicious, contact the company who are hosting it ad see what can be done or consider speaking to a lawyer.

Photo by NegativeSpace

Photo by NegativeSpace

Cybersecurity threats

We saw a record number of hacks in 2019. Some 2.7 billion identity records, 21 million user passwords, and 774 million email addresses were hacked, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Amongst hacking victims were some of the biggest companies in the world, including Capital One and Fortnite. If they’re vulnerable, so is your business and that is why you need to ensure that you have a high level of cybersecurity protection in place. This is something that ideally needs a professional touch, and luckily there are some great companies who can help you with this. Find out more about them today, protect your most sensitive data, ensure your employees are cybersecurity trained and don’t get complacent. It only takes one hack to potentially ruin your business forever.

The weather

When you think about potential threats to your business, the weather may not be the first thing that comes to mind, but actually, it can have a huge impact on your business. For example, if the area where you operate was to be flooded or suffer from forest fires, you may be unable to trade for a time, which could really hit your profits snd your ability to stay in business long-term.

Unfortunately, there isn’t really anything you can do to control the weather, but what you can do is take out a very comprehensive insurance policy that will cover you should a natural disaster take you out of the game.

Manage the threats, stay in business.

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