How To Market Your Brand Without Using Artificial Means

Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

Photo by Dominika Roseclay from Pexels

Marketing can seem so one-note in 2020. We all know how marketing copy is written and presented even with zero experience in that industry - we’ve been targeted with it multiple times. Even the most gullible person can easily see through the fawning praise brands heap on themselves when trying to sell you something. That can be tiresome, and so companies are using innovative ways to continually seem fresh, inspiring, and more importantly, better than the competition.

But how can you market your brand without using artificial means? Is there a way forward to achieving this? Or must we just focus on the tried-and-tested principles laid out before us? Of course, marketing is an art and a skill, and we completely throw out past wisdom at our peril. That being said, marketing our brand doesn’t have to be an inappropriate and often tiresome fall into mediocrity. From how we present ourselves to the format in which we deliver that, marketing your brand is a worthwhile use of our time. Let’s consider how that may be so:

SEO-Curated Content

SEO-Curated content can often make the most difference going forward. SEO companies know how to leverage your content to be seen higher in the ranking lists of Google search results. An SEO agency will not only help you curate but sometimes even produce your content, and this can help you become embedded in worthwhile posts that subtly market your brand without having to directly refer to it. For many, this can provide a non-invasive, organic and contributive means of marketing - something that is hard to replicate in other fields.

Video Posts

Videos are easy to engage with. You can simply let them play and become entertained by their scope. A company can control its narrative and present you with the information they wish you to see, as well as sell an image, a feeling, and more. It’s why fragrance ads often show cool people on motorbikes or sensual couples coming together instead of actually showing you, scientifically, what the product contains. They’re selling you on a lifestyle. So, can your video posts potentially help you do that? Might this be less exploitative and invasive than a simple magazine ad, or marketing copy written without originality? It’s up to you and your brand.

Personal Blogs

Running your own personal blogs can be a fantastic means of moving forward and developing yourself as a company. It might take more time than you are accustomed to, but often this tactic can help you engage with a natural or organic audience that regularly finds your content from search-engine posts. Using SEO measures as defined beforehand, you can discuss the history of your brand, your new product ideas, promote events and more with this worthwhile lens. That has to be worth something, and for the most part, can be an inexpensive and appropriate manner of marketing without artifice.

With this advice, we hope you can more easily market your brand without having to use artificial means.

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