Things Your Business Can Learn From The Best Instagram Accounts

Photo by from Pexels

Photo by from Pexels

On Instagram, visuals are everything. Your images should be high-fidelity and shot in exciting ways that immediately appeal to people. For each photograph, try to create a compelling subject, and approach it interestingly. 

Once you’ve collected the images that you want, edit them before posting them. Remember, you can always save them to your computer later using an Instagram image download tool. 

Make Your Feed Cohesive

Individual influencers also put a lot of effort into making their feeds as cohesive as possible. The reason for this is simple: you want to stand out from your competitors and create a theme that users understand. You want them to take one look at your content and say to themselves, “aha! That’s brand Z!”

Creating a consistent feed is a challenge and something that usually requires the help of a graphic designer and somebody who really understands the content. Simple ways to develop themes are things like applying filters consistently across all your images or focusing on a particular way of arranging your products. 

Include Hashtags

The best Instagram accounts almost always include hashtags. 

On Instagram, you can use hashtags in multiple locations, including within captions and below in the comments section. 

Use Live Stories

Live Stories is a tool that Instagram now offers that lets you describe your brand in more detail. The idea is to take your audience behind the scenes, show them what you do, provide helpful tips and get creative. Many brands like to do this because it helps break up their feeds and improves SEM. Doing this instantly creates more interest. 

Engaging Captions

Another thing you can learn from the best Instagram accounts is the fact that they all have engaging captions. The moment users read the text; they feel instantly connected to the image, making them more willing to engage. 

Captions should ideally pull on your audience’s heartstrings. You want to say something that grabs their attention and makes them want to sign up to your feed or purchase something from your brand. Where possible, be emotional in your appeals. Don’t focus solely on the costs and benefits of whatever you’re selling. 

Spend Time Engaging

Finally, all of the top Instagram accounts spend lots of time engaging with their audiences. They’re not afraid to answer questions (or ask them for that matter). And they collect feedback on the type of content users want. It would help if you did the same. 

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