Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash
Whenever you’re going through a season of stressful situations, the chances for burnout and stress are high. You feel like a piñata, either in work and/or in life. Nothing is going right for you. You may feel the world is against you.
I know how you feel. I’ve experienced this in my career, and I can empathize with you that it is not a walk in the park.
However, you don’t have to let it break you down. You are in control of your mind, your thoughts, your reactions, and how you navigate through this thing we call life.
Burnout is a state that I want everyone to avoid, because you lose your ability to enjoy life when you’re burned out. Nothing feels right or good. You’re almost numb to the things that brought you joy. That’s not fun for anyone, your family, friends, co-workers, etc.
When you’re in one of those seasons where it’s “you v. the world”, there’s one key trait that will serve you well:
Axl Rose sang about it, The Oxford Dictionary defines patience as The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, problems, or suffering without becoming annoyed or anxious.
Anxiety can lead to stress and burnout
Being tolerate reduces stress and burnout from happening, with the right mindset
Suffering leads to stress and burnout
Being annoyed can lead to stress and burnout
How do you become more patient? An article in Inc. Magazine gives us some clues:
Wait for things instead of instant gratification.
Stop doing things that are not important in your work and your life
Be more aware of things that cause you to be impatient. Eliminate those things if at all possible
Relax and take deep breaths
Follow me on Twitter @bfastleadership, Facebook Breakfast Leadership, and on Instagram @bfastleadership.
I help people recover from or prevent burnout in their lives. Register here for my next webinar on going from burnout to your ideal life.
My 2019 Program on Burnout Recovery Coaching is HERE!