We help you reduce stress and avoid burnout, so that you can focus on what REALLY matters most


Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Why Do We Hit The Reset Button?

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Do you have a reset button?  Where I'm going here is not along my typical "reboot your life", or change your life circumstances, but a button that makes you forget things, even though you shouldn't?

I'm writing this as Canada celebrates Thanksgiving. For my American brethren, Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October. I've been in Canada for 14 years, and I'm still getting used to it, so I understand your confusion.

At a time of Thanksgiving, we should reflect on things that we are thankful for, but it seems people are on edge more than ever. We have access to so many things, but we're acting stressed out and many are burned out. Stress is the # 1 Google search for health tips.

People seem to be more worked up about the littlest of things.  I'm not belittling the challenges that people face.  I've had plenty in my life.  The key is to focus on the positives of things, or persevere through whatever you might be facing, and you'll come out ok.

I help people recover from or prevent burnout in their lives.  Register here for my next webinar on going from burnout to your ideal life.

Michael Levitt