Top Fitness Health Trends for 2017

Top Fitness Health Trends for 2017

I spoke on wearable technology at the IoT Healthcare Big Data Conference in Toronto last month, and there was discussion on how to take all the data that wearable technology captures, and how to use it for health benefits.

It’s great that our FitBit tracks our activity, but how do we capture that data over time, so we can analyze our activities, and determine our optimum time for exercise, activity, etc? Learn more here.

It’s an interesting challenge, as this technology in wide spread use is still new.  I anticipate the big players (Apple, Microsoft, Internet data providers) to play a big role in the development of records.

The key will be to see if our physicians will be open to accept this information.  The big players will.  Physicians in smaller regions with smaller budgets may not.

Time will tell.

Below is a list of 3 trends from Cigna, for health trends for the rest of 2017

1. Wearable Technology

Wearable technology includes activity trackers, smart watches, heart rate monitors, smart eye glasses; and trending more recently are now smart fabrics and interactive textiles. With technology dominating nearly every aspect of our lives, this year sure offers a whole lot of tools that can help you stay on top form!

2. Body Weight Training

Body Weight Training is any form of exercising where your body weight is used as a form of resistance. Typically, this type of training involves minimal equipment, making it very practical and inexpensive – a reason for its popularity. Classic moves include push-ups, pull-ups and squats.

3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT is usually a 30 minute routine that involves short bursts of high-intensity exercise with short break periods. This form of exercise helps to burn calories fast; it can be found in different types of workouts and in gyms all around the world.

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