Growth Posts: October 4, 2017

Where Michael will be this weekend

Where Michael will be this weekend

I'll be in New York with thousands of other comic-book geeks this weekend, for the New York ComicCon.  I'm sure there will be some leadership-esque blog ideas, so stay tuned, same blog time, same blog channel!

We all have dreams that our passions can become our career.  It can be, but follow these steps first.

If you are fortunate enough to be in public speaking, or you have a presentation to do, here's some tips before opening the evil that is known as PowerPoint.

Do or Do Not.  There Is No Try.  Similar to that, trying the same things isn't really trying.  You have to take a leap into the unknown.

We all could use some positive daily habits.  Here's 4 awesome ones.


Do you want a better start to your day? I have a free e-book on six easy steps to a better day, that I personally follow after I experienced a significant health scare. If you would like this free e-book, please click the link below.

Six Steps to a great Morning (Besides coffee)

Columbus Day/Canadian Thanksgiving Posts

Growth Posts: October 1, 2017