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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

Upgrading Your Approach to Sales: 6 Ways to Boost Long-Term Revenue

The recipe for modern business success includes many key ingredients. Nevertheless, nothing else you achieve will matter without a steady flow of clients and sales.

So, if there’s only one issue you need to address over the coming months, this is it. Here are six ways to improve your standing and see a noticeable difference with sustained success in mind.

#1. Invest in employees

Likely, you will only be responsible for a small percentage of human interactions completed by you. Your sales team will handle the vast majority, so you need to have 100% confidence in them. The only way to achieve this is by investing in them.

Staff training on sales techniques is a particularly popular method. However, you may also see great progress by using incentives like commission on sales. Adding a healthy sense of competition between colleagues can be useful, too.

Crucially, when recruiting new salespeople, you must check their personalities. When combined with a positive working environment, it will be noticed by prospective leads.

#2. Track campaigns

If your business has been profiting, it is easy to assume that the marketing campaigns are fine. However, almost all companies will identify room for improvement once they actively track their campaigns. Changes may boost conversions and cost efficiency.

For example, tracking ROI with Hyros will soon highlight where improvements can be made to your Facebook and YouTube ads. Crucially, it tracks every step of the consumer journey. So, you’re not only looking at clicks and conversions.

Gaining a clearer image of your campaigns will show you which ideas are working or not working. When combined with strategies like A/B testing, perceiving campaigns becomes easy.

#3. Promote the brand in multiple places

As a modern company, knowing your target audience and respecting your place in the market is important. But it’s also likely that you will have secondary demographics. They won’t all discover your brand in the same places or respond to the same ideas. Embrace it.

The best way to do this is by using multiple ad campaigns across online and offline channels. PPC, SEO, social media, sponsorships, and PR coverage are some examples. It takes an average of eight touchpoints to gain a sale. So, don’t limit yourself.

Crucially, you want leads to take the right action. A clear CTA (call-to-action), like signing up for email newsletters, can make a big impact. Staying fresh in their minds is pivotal.

#4. Let outsiders help you

Strong internal marketing and sales endeavors are crucial. Still, a growing percentage of consumers and B2B buyers now look for social proof. In short, they know you will promote your products glowingly. As such, they want to see what others think.

When external parties rave about your brand, others will become excited. Likewise, it will boost their trust in the business. Collecting testimonials through Trustpilot, for example, validates your company. Affiliate marketing and referrals will also help.

Social influencer marketing has become another major weapon in the digital marketing arsenal—partner with creators with a similar audience to yours for optimal returns.

#5. Showcase your story

Modern business can sometimes feel faceless, especially in the digital landscape. Nonetheless, people continue to buy. As such, an active effort to showcase the people behind the brand could be the key to rebuilding your sales figures.

There are many ways to show your brand image. Whether supporting local causes, going green, or highlighting your inclusive workplace is up to you. Either way, video content is a great way to engage audiences memorably. It creates a connection, too.

Once consumers feel positive about the people behind the brand, they will be more likely to complete a purchase, not least because they want to buy from firms that share their views.

#6. Think beyond the sale

Finally, it is very common for businesses to focus solely on the initial conversion. However, true success comes from securing repeat business. Remarketing is cheaper than trying to recruit new clients. Likewise, 80% of your sales can come from 20% of customers.

Therefore, changing your mindset to place added focus on customer loyalty can be hugely rewarding. It allows you to retain more clients while their insights enable you to keep improving.

Better still, impressing your loyal clients will also provide a strong platform for winning new customers. Increased sales revenue is sure to follow.