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Breakfast Leadership Corporate Blog

How Investing In Yourself Will Pay Big Dividends and Prevent Burnout

Many of us are familiar with the stock markets. We may or may not be investors, but we hear the performance of our favorite brands and companies, and we hear about the Big 4 (Amazon, Google, Apple, Microsoft) surpassing the $ 1 Trillion valuation mark in their stocks. That’s trillion with a T. It's no surprise then, that companies such as SoFi offer advice to people on how to start investing, as I'm sure everyone wants to get in on the Trillions!

How did these organizations grow to those levels?

They invested in themselves.

They spent a big part of their budgets on making better products and services. Improving their processes, and listening to customers. Being innovative. Hiring the best.

It took time. Amazon’s IPO price was $18 a share. As the time of this post, Amazon stock closed at $1,864 a share. That’s a decent ROI over a long period of time.

Would you like to 100x your value?

You can, and it’s about investing in yourself.

Here are some tips on how to invest in yourself today:


Logical that I start off with finances. I will keep this one as simple as I can. Don’t spend more than you make. Do not use credit cards, unless you absolutely have to, and when you do, pay off the debt as quickly as you can.


Through personalized fitness programs, nutritional guidance, and a supportive community, you can make a good go of improving your physical health. Using a Personal Trainer also provides a comprehensive solution for anyone seeking to enhance their physical and mental well-being.

You need to be more active. I’m guessing at least 90% of those reading this post do not get enough physical activity. I’m not telling you to become a gym rat, but if you end up enjoying that, go for it! Park farther away in the work parking lot. Park further away at the mall or grocery store. Go for after-dinner walks. Walk at lunch. Stand up from your desk every 25-30 minutes for a few minutes (if you’re able to stand.) Stretch. Do a couple push ups or sit-ups, if you can.


Our mindset controls our physical and mental well-being. How we think, and what we consume (read, hear, watch) impacts our mental state. Live simpler. Don’t overload your days, otherwise, you’ll burn out like I did in 2009.


What’s your favorite activity? Where’s your favorite restaurant?

When was the last time you performed that favorite activity? When was the last time you ate at your favorite restaurant?

If it’s been more than a few weeks ago, you need to hit up that restaurant and do that activity. Don’t use “I’m too busy” as an excuse. Look at my Bucket List article and visit BreakfastLeadership.com/bucket for a free bucket list template.

Personal Development

This one is crucial. When was the last time you did something to improve yourself? Could be a gym membership, personal trainer, or life coach, to guide you through some of the challenges that have been pestering you (or worse) for a long time.

Investing in yourself includes personal development. If you spend $20 a day on Sixbucks, over a year that’s over $7,000 a year. Let’s say you can escape the coffee shop for $10 a day, and then that’s still over $3,500 a year.

Imagine what you could learn and accomplish if you allocated that money to learning some new skills, or address a problem in your life that you haven’t been able to correct.

Be well!